Thursday, September 21, 2006

Still here

I've decided that I cannot leave my current job. Getting them to pay for my MBA is too good to pass up.

Speaking of which, I took the GMAT on Tuesday. It went fairly well. I flew through the test without taking the optional breaks and I got out of there about an hour before I figured I would. I received an unofficial score of 640, so I'm happy with that. Now it just submitting all the paperwork and waiting for acceptance into the program that starts in January.


Cardinal70 said...

Good luck, Brew, and I'm glad you were able to make your decision with the minimal amount of hair-pulling.

Oops, I meant stressful contemplation.

Deb said...

I'm happy for your, Brewbie. Sometimes the best move is no move. Nice score, btw!

Hera said...

Nice score. Happy for you and your decision.

Now I need you to find me one of these one year MBA programs.