Thursday, September 14, 2006


Yesterday I received a phone call from a guy that I used to work with. He just had lunch with a guy he used to work with. That guy is now the CFO for a publicly traded company. Through the "good ole boy" network, I now have an opportunity to become the Assistant Controller and/or Controller for said company and virtually meet my professional goal that I had set the day I graduated from college.

Here is my dilemma.

1. I enjoy the place where I currently work and I am just one step away from accomplishing the same goal at this job. If things go the direction I think they will, that could be next year. Things could also go a completely different direction and I could be in the unemployment line again.

2. On the surface it looks like the pay will be higher, but I'm currently not a traditional salaried position. I get paid straight-time overtime. If I work 50 hours, I get paid for 50 hours. That basically pushes me up to the starting salary of the offered position. Bonus structure is the wild card.

3. I also have a written agreement with my current employer that they will pay 100% for me to get my MBA next year. I'm not sure if I can get the same deal elsewhere.

4. I have always been with privately owned companies. The new position will allow me to gain experience in SEC reporting and Sarbanes Oxley.


Oberkfell3B said...

Sarbanes Oxley, that bitter pill that I swallow daily!

Good luck with your decision Steve!!!! Tough choices. Talk to your friend's friend. That is a must.

Push for what you want, don't seem desperate. You may get all you need for the move.

Cardinal70 said...

I can't imagine why anyone would WANT experience in Sox, but hey, different strokes....

Sounds like a tough call. Good luck in making it!